find out what it takes to live a longer and healthier life

A colorful and diverse diet is a great foundation for a long and healthy lifestyle.
Follow the USDA MyPlate guideline recommendations for a full, colorful, and balanced diet.
- Focus on different vegetables
- Make at least 50% of your grains whole grains
- Change your proteins to larger lean cuts of meat and supplement with nuts and legumes
- Switch to low-fat or fat-free dairy products
A multivitamin can be a great supplement to any nutritional gaps left by your diet.
When looking for a multivitamin, make sure you find one that fits your specific needs. For instance, if you’re pregnant, a man over 40, or looking for children’s vitamins make sure the supplement fits your needs.
Always check with your healthcare provider before starting any new vitamins or supplements.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid high in EPA & DHA.
While building your MyPlate make sure to include a protein high in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, or flaxseed.
When supplementing your diet, make sure to look for high quality supplements that have at least 2g or 2000mg of EPA & DHA combined. Many people look just for the volume of fish oil, and while fish oil is helpful, the most beneficial supplements are ones with high EPA and DHA content.
Vitamin D is essential for boosting your immune system and promoting strong bone and mental health.
While living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest you may have noticed your sick days go up a bit in the winter months. This can be directly due to a vitamin D deficiency, and while it’s primarily absorbed through the skin you can also eat foods high in vitamin D. Foods may When that isn’t enough, look to supplement with a dosage around 600-800 IU per day.


Magnesium can act as a Swiss Army Knife for a broad variety of conditions.
Magnesium is an essential mineral for helping convert food into energy, help create and repair DNA and RNA, and help improve nervous system regulation.
The recommended daily intake is 300-400mg a day, but taking between 500-1000mg can help lower blood pressure, reduce insulin resistance, and prevent migraines.
Magnesium is widely available in a wide variety of healthy foods such as pumpkin seeds, spinach, kale, quinoa, and some legumes.